Oakmont Public Utility District homeowners in good standing are given complimentary access to the Auburn Lakes Fitness Center and Pool.


To obtain the first set of complimentary access card(s) or to purchase replacement cards, the Oakmont Public Utility District homeowner will need to complete an enrollment form, prove their home ownership, and bring a government issued I.D. to the Auburn Lakes Recreation Center staff member stationed inside the fitness

A new enrollment form needs to be completed every five years by the homeowner listed in the HCAD system to:

  • Obtain an access card as a new resident,
  • Extend or re-activate an expired card for an additional 5 years,
  • Purchase a replacement card, or
  • Purchase a non-resident membership.



The recreation center staff will check the Harris County Appraisal District’s (HCAD) website to confirm homeowner residency status. If you are not listed in the HCAD system as the homeowner, you will be asked to show a title or closing documents. (Digital or physical are accepted.)


If you are renting a home in the Oakmont PUD area, you will need to:

  • Pay $15.00 for each access card (maximum of 2 cards),
  • Complete an enrollment form with the homeowner’s or property manager’s signature, and
  • Provide your leasing contract showing the expiration date.

The access card will expire when the leasing paperwork ends.


If your card flashes green but the door doesn’t open, your card may have expired. Access cards are activated for five years at a time. If you are listed in the Harris County Appraisal District’s database as the homeowner, please complete and email it to [email protected]. Once received, we can typically re-activate your card remotely.

Yes! Non-residents can purchase an amenity access pass for the pool, fitness center, or a combination pass for. Non-residents are also eligible to rent the clubhouse. However, pool parties and the playground pavilion are reserved exclusively for Oakmont Public Utility District taxpayers.

We can re-activate the cards and put them in your name. Please confirm that you are listed in Harris County Appraisal District as the homeowner, then submit the enrollment form to [email protected] and we will transfer the cards into your name.

See the picture below. We need the hand-written number and a smaller set of numbers.

Yes, your child can purchase or pick up access cards on your behalf. The homeowner must email the completed enrollment form to [email protected] and confirm that their child is authorized to pay for or pick up the card.

With this access card, cardholders receive daily access from 4:00 AM to 11:00 PM to the Auburn Lakes Fitness Center, outdoor bathroom, and pool bathrooms (even when the pool is closed), as well as seasonal access to the pool. Each access card allows entry for up to 5 total people at the pool. Residents may have a maximum of two active access cards.

Replacement cards can be purchased for $15.00 cash or checks written out to Oakmont Public Utility District. Recreation center staff are on-site daily inside the fitness center to help with this request. Please call 281-255-2900 if you need assistance.

Damaged cards can be replaced for$15.00, the recreation center staff can accept cash or checks written out to Oakmont PUD. Auburn Lakes Recreation Center staff are on-site daily inside the fitness center to help with this request.


Email | [email protected]
Customer Service | 281-255-2900